“I had a family, was married with kids, but I lost that. It was my choices that landed me homeless for three years. I finally said, ‘God, can you please help me? I don’t know how to live this life.’ My son wanted me to change a long time ago, but didn’t have the heart to tell me, ‘Papa, you’re not doing good.’ When I told him I needed help, his eyes got so big. He didn’t waste time.
Found the Tacoma Rescue Mission, called them, and told me I could go right away. I left everything. I came with just the clothes I had on and said, ‘I’m here and I’m ready.’ And they accepted me, just as I was. It felt like God was right there with me, like He’d been waiting for me. I never had that feeling of knowing I was in the right place before. I’ve felt it from that day to now. I used to stay away from people.
I blamed God for my mom’s death, my dad’s death, my son’s death, my separation from my wife. I was alive but I wasn’t living. I turned to drugs, lying to myself and my family that I was okay. My family knew I had a problem, but didn’t know how to help me. They were so proud to see me graduate from the Mission’s recovery program.
My kids used to keep me at a distance. Now they jump on me and hug me. I have the love and peace I was always looking for because of God. I feel so blessed, I just want to yell about it! I have a job now, a place to live, good people around me from my church, my family, brothers to walk alongside me. This is how life should be. I feel like I’m unstoppable because I have God and God’s people around me.
This place saved my life, the Mission and all the people in here — the staff, the teachers, the volunteers, all the people that loved me. God always says to love each other and the Mission does that. I hope this place is always here for people to go to when they need it. To just come as they are and experience God.”