As a teenager, Jackson was bullied constantly at school. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the support he needed.
Soon his grades began to suffer and he eventually failed out of high school. Jackson was still hopeful. He decided to enlist in the military — something his father had always dreamt his son would do.
But when he went to join, he was rejected. A childhood cancer diagnosis and surgery to remove it at age five made him ineligible.
Again, Jackson felt defeated, discouraged and deeply ashamed.
“I didn’t get my high school diploma. Then I couldn’t get into the military. The only other shot I had, I couldn’t even do,” he remembers.
Confused and depressed, he had no idea of what he should, or even could, do next.
Jackson managed to find a job and a shared apartment. It was a new start!
But one day Jackson came home to discover all his belongings and his roommate were gone. To make matters even worse, he was left with the entire rent bill!
Again, defeat and shame crept into his thoughts. He felt utterly alone. Not knowing who to turn to. Believing no one cared. Jackson ended up living on the streets, battling deep depression.
“I didn’t want to be homeless. I didn’t even want to live.” Jackson shares. “I cried all the time. I was so scared.”
After struggling for years with his mental health and homelessness, he slowly started to rebuild his life. He met a wonderful woman and got married. They had three beautiful children and lived in an apartment. Life was good!
Then, without warning, the landlord decided she wanted them out. They’d been paying their rent. They hadn’t done anything wrong. Jackson made sure his family had somewhere to stay. But there wasn’t room for him. Not knowing where to get help for himself, he ended up on the streets again.
That’s when he found the Mission. Here, he finally got the personalized care and crucial resources he needed to get back on his feet.
Because of the support of friends like you, Jackson is building a better life.
Today, he’s completed his GED, has a stable job and has even helped other Mission guests find work. He and his family are living in an apartment on one of the Mission’s campuses. Housing that Jackson secured through our permanent supportive housing program.
After so much hardship and trauma, Jackson is grateful to have a life that he’s proud of. He couldn’t have done it without the generosity of supporters like you.
“Thank you is an understatement,” he says, struggling to share the depth of his emotions. “I can’t even find the right words. I’m so blessed, and I really appreciate it. Please, keep giving.”