James knew about the Mission for years before he could walk through our doors for a meal. 

He was afraid to be treated like a number.  Concerned he’d be “herded through a line” and served a “plate of slop.” He didn’t want to be seen as just another “bum.” 

Until one day he decided to join us. To his surprise, he was warmly greeted with smiles and a delicious home-cooked meal. 

   “It was actually quite good. I saw that the people coming through the line were genuine people. The people serving weren’t just trying to shuffle you through and feed you. They actually cared about you,” he explains.   

That care gave James courage to come back again. He felt loved. 

When he came back for Thanksgiving he was blown away by how many community members volunteered to help.  

He couldn’t believe all the people who took the time to serve him and others a special feast – with all the fixings – at a table with placemats and everything. 

The smiles, the compassion and the love of God he felt at every turn, it was real! 

“I saw that it wasn’t just an act . .  the meals, staff and volunteers showed compassion for the people coming through the doors and they wanted to help any way they could.”  

The generosity of friends like you made it possible for James to experience genuine compassion for the first time in a long while. He felt encouraged.

“If someone cares enough to give me a hot meal, then maybe I can actually change.” 

James turned to the people who had already been there for him here at the Mission.

He joined our New Life Recovery Program and has since accepted Jesus. James even helped two of his friends start their recovery by joining him in the program.

“Seeing that you can have a good life is one of the most awesome feelings you can feel. Being able to help somebody that truly needs it is amazing,” James shares.